Saturday, October 29, 2005

Monday, October 24, 2005

Got the Crown.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Olga Bobkova, 19, from Moscow / Photo by Yevgeny Razdobarin,  Posted by Picasa

Beauty Contest

Russian Beauty 2005 Contest
Created: 12.10.2005 17:55 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 17:55 MSK

A 22-year-old Siberian student has been awarded the title of top Russian beauty of 2005, reported Wednesday. The girl will now represent Russia in the next Miss World beauty contest in China.Yulia Ivanova from Novosibirsk defeated 37 other contestants from 34 Russian cities. Talent scouts traveled all over the country to select the girls for the contest.The public and the jury enjoyed the variety of different types of beauty and age ranges. The youngest contestant was only 14, the oldest 25. During the event the contestants had to fulfill the usual beauty contest tasks — dressing in evening dresses, bikinis, dancing and reciting poetry.Interestingly, this year the jury picked three girls of a similar type, following the tradition over the last few Miss Universe contests for picking brunettes. Russia’s chief beauty Yulia will now start preparing for the Miss World contest, added. She will be assisted by cosmetologists, stylists, doctors, psychologists, English and public speaking teachers. Apart from that, she will attend numerous charity events, meetings and photo sessions.

Thought to Think
It is always a big surprise that we accept all the beautiful things as beautiful before knowing anything about it.